What does it take to supercharge your immune system?

Make no mistake it is always important to have a strong immune system, but especially now with the arrival of covid-19 in our lives. There are a few basic lifestyle changes we can all do to keep our immune systems running at optimal capacity.

1) Get at least seven hours of sleep most nights

2) Control your reaction to stress

3) Move your body

4) Adopt a pro-immunity eating plan.

5) Spend time around nature and make sure your intake of vitamin D3, either from sunlight or supplements

Controlling our reaction to the stressors in our lives is really important in times when we are inundated with stressful events outside of our control. For instance, we certainly can’t end this pandemic as much as we would desperately like to. We can’t get rid of the uncertainty concerning our job security, whether or not our children will return to school in the fall, or our fear for the safety of the elderly people we love. And we can’t control our growing sense of isolation, of our daily routines being altered, or just the downright craziness of the unimaginable a year ago, now becoming commonplace.

Our only option is to try our best to control our reaction to this global trauma, to practice self-care, and to reach out and support as many people as we can, any way we can. For some of us meditation, exercise, listening to music, or a hug from a family member, can change our mood and reduce our stress. Whatever it is that works for you, commit to doing it as often as possible. And if things start to feel like just too much to bear, reach out to a professional, a counselor, spiritual leader, or anyone else who can help you. We all experience times when things seem too difficult for us to handle on our own.

But we can get through this and we will as long as we band together.


The Importance of Self-Care During a Divorce


Why are bad habits so hard to break?