Neurofeedback helps you heal and thrive after divorce

Divorce can be a very traumatic event.

Going through a divorce can be extremely traumatic for everyone involved. People who experience divorce have been shown to have a variety of psychological issues including increased stress, depression, lower life satisfaction and more medical visits to doctors.

Divorce can severely impact your mental health. Divorce is a major disruption in one’s life and can bring massive amounts of stress-financial, emotional, even spiritual. It is important to turn the page on the pain of the past, release grudges, and move forward in a healthy way. Behaving with compassion toward your ex-spouse throughout the divorce process and beyond is very important. Forgiving yourself for what you did wrong in the marriage is also an important part of divorce recovery.

You are losing the most important relationship in your life in the divorce , and you will likely also lose some or all of your mutual friends as well. It is important to take time for self-care and rediscover your self-identity separate from your marriage. If you have split custody , you may feel extremely lonely for your children and lost family life. The instability brought about by divorce can be difficult on children if you have them. Shifting to a co-parenting can be very hard both physically and emotionally. Being friends with your ex can happen over many years time but too soon can result in more heartbreak for the person who was left.

It can be dangerous to jump right back into dating. Moving into a new relationship too quickly can keep you from dealing with the issues that caused the end of your marriage in the first place. The divorce rate is much higher for second, and third marriages because people are repeating patterns that they don’t recognize. If you take the time to heal and process the divorce , you will have more success in future relationships. People divorce in order to end problematic relationships but often end up with the same dynamic in the new relationship.

Neurofeedback helps you heal and thrive after divorce.

Neurofeedback can help you heal faster from your divorce. Any trauma, like divorce, alters the neural pathways in your brain in a negative way. Neurofeedback, simply put, restores your brain to its healthy functioning prior to the negative event. This process can reduce your grieving time as well as the intensity of your emotions. Your ability to handle the stress of the divorce is also strengthened, and your sense of peace and well-being restored. Once your neural pathways are restored to normal, you will make better choices in your relationships going forward and will have a better chance of finding a healthy partner.

What is Neurofeedback?

Sensors are attached to the scalp that have wires that are connected to a computer. These sensors record the electrical activity of the brain and give the information back to the brain to interpret. Due to the brain’s ability to change and adopt new patterns (called neuroplasticity), the brain is able to create new neural pathways that, with time, become permanent. The trauma of divorce creates new harmful pathways in your brain. Neurofeedback erases these pathways and restores your brain to its level of functioning before the divorce. Neurofeedback trains the brain to self-regulate. Ultimately the brain is a self-organizing system that simply needs a bit of prompting to find its own balance (Learn more about neurofeedback).

If you or someone you love is currently struggling to move forward after a painful divorce and lives in Richmond Virginia, Richmond Neurofeedback can help. Start thriving now! Please contact me today to see how neurofeedback can help you heal after divorce so you can get back to living a peaceful, joyous life.

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”

— Albert Einstein