Your transformation is my passion

Everyone of us will experience at least one challenging life event in our lives. These experiences can change everything about us, from the thoughts we have about the world and ourselves, to our actions, and our relationships. All of this is mostly unconscious and we may not even be aware of how we have changed. Negative thoughts about ourselves after a traumatic event like a  divorce like “I’m not good enough” or  “I’ll never be happy again” can become part of our self-talk going forward and actually change how we respond to other people and how they respond to us.  In order to cope, we may start overeating, or drinking too much, isolating , or having anger outbursts. At this point , we have a choice -to restore our minds and our health to the happy healthy state we had prior to the life event, or continue to be controlled and hurt by it long into the future.

I too have had a few challenging periods in my life. I count myself lucky that as a therapist I knew there were tools I could use to get through these difficult times. Initially I found EMDR in 1995 and found it amazingly effective for treating both myself and my patients. Recently, in the last 6 years , I found an even more effective method for healing from difficult life events. This is, of course, neurofeedback (Learn more about neurofeedback). I can honestly say I am emotionally stronger and healthier than I have ever been as a result of my neurofeedback sessions, despite life throwing me some serious curveballs. I want this for you as well.

An optimally functioning brain is a beautiful thing. 

The path to transformation really is Just. That. Simple.


What People Are Saying

I highly recommend the neurofeedback sessions with Annie for anyone looking to bring joy back into their lives. Overall, my thinking is very clear, I have a renewed energy for my life, and I’m not feeling as overwhelmed.

— Rachel (Read More)

My mind felt like a weight had lifted, my emotions were as tame as ever, and everything seemed manageable. Thank you neurofeedback!

— Elle (Read more)