Neurofeedback has helped thousands of people over many years who are glad they made the decision to try it. Many thanks to these clients and their families for telling their stories.

“I was in foster care until I was 15 after the death of my mother when I was 3. My foster parents were very abusive. Luckily, I was adopted by a wonderful family when I was 15. But the scars from the abuse never healed. I am in my forties now with 2 children. Knowing that my ability to parent was being impacted by my early life trauma, I started neurofeedback sessions on the advice of my doctor. I understand things about my life on a completely different level now. I am less reactive with my children and just feel peaceful in general. Life just feels easier. Just show up for the sessions and change starts happening!”

— Jessica, jewelry designer and mother of two


“I am an officer in the army and the medical board required neurofeedback sessions to deal with my combat trauma/PTSD. I had no idea how bad my PTSD was until I completed the recommended sessions. My sleep, ability to learn and focus, my relationships with my wife and son, were all being impacted. I carried a high level of depression, anxiety, and anger that never went away . 3 months later I feel like I have a clean slate. I have regained the energy and optimism that I had prior to my tours. And my relationship with my wife and son have never been better. “

— Jim, Colonel U.S Army

“I started neurofeedback sessions for my 14 year old son for his problems with math and his constant anxiety and OCD. Covid and the isolation of online school, was making everything so much harder for him emotionally. After several sessions he was getting an A in math, and his anxiety was gone. I did sessions as well because I was having my own problems with anxiety which was manifesting as obsessively cleaning. after a few sessions my anxiety was controlled and I was also able to reduce my anxiety medication. I don’t totally understand how it works but it really does!”

— Shelley, mother of two


“I consider myself a very driven motivated individual with a stressful job as a physician. Unfortunately, I am also going through a divorce, which has been quite emotionally painful. I tried neurofeedback to help me with my constant anxiety, insomnia, and depression as a result of my divorce. Prior to beginning the neurofeedback could not imagine my life without my wife. I had intense feelings of sadness multiple times a day which were interfering with my job and my overall functioning. Now I still have sadness but it is manageable and I know I will be OK. Neurofeedback is a safe, non-pharmaceutical treatment for healing from anxiety, depression, and trauma.”

— Dr. Mike, surgeon and father of two

“My daughters therapist referred her for neurofeedback after she was sexually assaulted. She was having daily panic attacks, severe anxiety and depression, and constant flashbacks and thoughts about the assault to the point she had to drop out of college. As a mother it is a terrible thing to see your daughter suffering and be unable to help her. After finishing the neurofeedback sessions, all of my daughter’s PTSD symptoms were gone and it was like this terrible thing never happened. She is back in school now and doing great!”

— Sarah, mother of Jasmine, 20


“My son Daniel was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). He was referred by his occupational therapist for neurofeedback sessions. He has been doing sessions since he was 5 and he is now 7. Neurofeedback has been a godsend. He can now carry on conversations and attend school. His is calm and focused and able to interact with other children.”

— Marisol, mother to Daniel

“My sister and I were terribly abused by our father as children. She started doing neurofeedback in another state to heal from this trauma and a brain injury and had such good results that I did sessions in Virginia as well. I’m 36 years old and have been too afraid to deal with the abuse until now. The neurofeedback sessions were very emotional but not scary. I still remember the abuse but it has no power over me now. I feel like I’m going to be OK :)”

— Mary, 36, paralegal