Community Makes All the Difference

Lately I have been reading all I can about the “Blue Zones”. I have always been interested in health and wellness but now that I am in my fifties, healthy longevity seems all the more important. The Blue Zones for the uninitiated, are the five zones in the world with the largest percentage of centenarians ( people who live to be 100). These places include the islands of Okinawa in Japan, Sardinia in Italy, Ikaria in Greece, the Nicoya province of Costa Rica, and the Seventh-day Adventists living in Loma Linda, California. What is even more interesting, is that these people are leading disease free, healthy, active lives.

There are some key factors common to most of these groups that appear to be vital for their extraordinary longevity. One of these factors is a strong and healthy family and social community. Your social network , called Moai in Okinawa, can directly affect your health. It follows then that it is very important to pick your tribe wisely. Are you familiar with the saying, ‘you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” popularized by Jim Rohn ? The fact is, some people hold us back and some propel us forward. The people we surround ourselves with influence our behavior, our attitudes , and our mental and physical health.

Community in whatever form it comes in, friends, family, gym trainers, therapists, church, AA meetings, is vitally important for both our mental and physical well being. There are actual studies that have been done lately that show that loneliness is just as hazardous to your health as obesity or smoking.

Find your community and make sure it’s a healthy one !


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